DustMax Vacuum Sweeper
The owner of a sports complex needed a machine that she could use to vacuum the parking lot and interior AstroTurf tennis courts.

The Problem
The owner of a large sports complex had a huge problem with dirt and sand. The sports complex is located at a beach and sand was everywhere. They needed a single machine that could vacuum everything. Dust and sand were embedded in the indoor mats and turf. The property also had quite a few trees, so the sweeper would also need to be able to vacuum leaves.
The Solution
We recommended our DustMax Battery Powered Vacuum Sweeper. The DustMax has a downward pressure adjustment for the main broom that allows the operator to go from pitted asphalt to carpet and AstroTurf without making any modifications. The filter-shaker function also allows the operator to clean the filter without stopping use. The DustMax comes standard with a .5 micron @ 99.97% efficiency main filter with an option for a washable polyester HEPA filter. The on-board vacuum motor also stops a dust cloud from forming. The DustMax is small enough to be stored in a broom closet, and it only needs to be plugged in overnight to a standard outlet to charge for an entire day's use.
The owner reported that implementation of the DustMax was a success, and she purchased additional units for three other facilities around the state.