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Call Us Any Time Toll-Free:
(800) 635-0298

Filtration solutions for fume, dust, and mist generated from industrial processes.

We don't have a “BUY-IT-NOW” function on our website because we believe that buying something like an XP vac always requires a detailed conversation about the application. We always answer the phone. Before, during, and after you have purchased the equipment.

Case Studies


Buying a Fully XP Vacuum Isn’t Always Necessary

We had a DHA done and the dust has a KST of 98. We have dust and curlicues from wood and some plastics.


Conveying Velocities of Common Dusts

NFPA Required Conveying Velocities of common contaminants


Ceiling Collectors are unsafe for Titanium Dust

Aluminum, Magnesium, and Titanium are combustible when finely sanded.

Call Any Time: Toll-Free 1 (800) 635 0298

We don't have a “BUY-IT-NOW” function because we believe that solving XP dust problems should always require a detailed conversation. We respond within 30 minutes. 

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