Heavy-Duty Bulk Vacuuming Tools

Vacuuming tools for use with vacuum trucks and bulk vacuuming applications.
Bulk nozzles and carts for vacuum trucks and high-volume vacuuming.
High-pressure vacuum systems can collapse a thin wall hose in seconds. A lot of static electricity can also build up in hoses due to friction. That build-up of static can cause a nasty shock. Our Heavy Duty Conductive Rubber Hose is made with conductive resins so there is no need for a grounding wire. Our vacuum nozzles are available from 3" up to 6" internal diameter. We can also provide custom tools for your unique application. Call us today to find out more: (800) 635-0298
Welded camlock hose connections are available upon request.
Bulk Nozzles

Rock Scoop Cart

Contractors and builders use gravel on flat roofing for two primary reasons; the first is to protect the underlying layer of roofing materials on built-up roofs (BURs), and the second is to secure or weigh down the roofing material, as is the case with single-ply flat roofs. Removing the gravel to repair the roof can be a tricky job. The most common method is with a powerful vacuum, such as a DVP or a Powerlift, used in conjunction with the Rock Scoop Cart.
Fan Floor Tool.

Fluidizer Tool.

The ALUMINUM FLOOR NOZZLE W/HANDLE is really 2 parts that are friction-fit together: the Straight aluminum bulk nozzle and 4 inch Aluminum Vacuum Head.

Wet Wash Vacuum Head