NFPA 660 Standard for Combustible Dusts and Particulate Solids

NFPA 660-Compliant Vacuums for ST1 Dusts in ORDLOC. 3rd Party Certified Explosion-Proof Vacuums for HAZLOC


Solutions for NFPA 660 Compliance

The new NFPA 660 will incorporate the following standards

  • NFPA 61: Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Feed Processing Facilities
  • NFPA 484: Standard for Combustible Metals.
  • NFPA 652: Standard for the Fundamental of Combustible Dust
  • NFPA 654: Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from Manufacturing, Processing and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids
  • NFPA 655: Standard for Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Explosions
  • NFPA 664: Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities


Does a vacuum need an NFPA 660 compliance cert for low Kst dust collection in ORDLOC?

According to NFPA 660 (page 660-35) it needs to meet the following best-practice build criteria:* For portable vacuum cleaners used with combustible dusts having a minimum ignition energy less than 30 mJ, the path to ground shall be verified prior to use after each movement or new connection, or both.* Portable vacuum cleaners that meet the following minimum requirements shall be permitted to be used to collect combustible particulate solids in unclassified locations:

(1)   Materials of construction shall comply with

(2)   Hoses shall be conductive or static dissipative.

(3)   All conductive and static dissipative components, including wands and attachments, shall be bonded and grounded.

(4)   The fan or blower shall be on the clean side of the primary filtration media or wet separation chamber.

(5)   The vacuum cleaner shall not be operated without filter media in place.

(6)   Electrical motors shall not be located on the dirty side of the primary filtration media or wet separation chamber unless listed for Class II or Class III, Division 1, as appropriate, or Zone 20 or Zone 21 locations.

(7)*  Where liquids or wet materials are picked up by the vacuum cleaner, paper filter elements shall not be used.

Why NFPA 660 vacuums are important

  • They help prevent explosions by removing combustible dust from the air
  • They help protect workers from the hazards of combustible dust
  • They help ensure that equipment is properly designed to handle combustible dust

NFPA 660 vacuum requirements

  • Vacuums used in hazardous locations must be listed for that environment
  • Vacuums used to collect combustible materials in unclassified locations must meet certain design requirements
  • They must be explosion-proof and properly grounded

Applications for NFPA 660 vacuums

  • Welding fume extraction
  • Wood dust collection
  • Exhaust extraction
  • Odor and gas extraction
  • Laboratory and electronics
  • Oil mist collection

What is an Explosion Proof Vacuum?

An Explosion-Proof Vacuum System is a vacuum system that is capable of preventing the ignition of a specified gas or vapor and operates at such an external temperature that a surrounding flammable atmosphere will not be ignited.  A Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL) must certify that a vacuum system is explosion-proof.

Vacuums for XP Dust in ORDLOC

Static-Free Vacuums


Does a vacuum need an NFPA 660 compliance cert for low Kst dust collection in ORDLOC?* Portable vacuum cleaners that meet the following minimum requirements shall be permitted to be used to collect combustible particulate solids in unclassified locations:

(1)   Materials of construction shall comply with

(2)   Hoses shall be conductive or static dissipative.

(3)   All conductive and static dissipative components, including wands and attachments, shall be bonded and grounded.

(4)   The fan or blower shall be on the clean side of the primary filtration media or wet separation chamber.

(5)   The vacuum cleaner shall not be operated without filter media in place.

(6)   Electrical motors shall not be located on the dirty side of the primary filtration media or wet separation chamber unless listed for Class II or Class III, Division 1, as appropriate, or Zone 20 or Zone 21 locations.

(7)*  Where liquids or wet materials are picked up by the vacuum cleaner, paper filter elements shall not be used.

Vacuums for XP Dust in HAZLOC

3rd Party Certified Explosion Proof Vacuums

3rd Party Explosion Proof Vacuums for use in areas that are:

Div 1 - Groups D and in Class II -Div 1 - Groups F & G Hazardous Locations as defined in the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). A certified Class II – Div 1 - Group E version is also available.

Class II, Group E Requirement for Vacuuming Aluminum Dust

Class 1 Division 1 Vacuums
Tiger-Vac® Class 1 Division 1 Vacuums

Do I need a Certified Vacuum for Small Quantities of Conductive Metal Dust in ORDLOC? 

Yes. Regardless of whether ORDLOC or HAZLOC, NFPA 660 Chapter 8 Combustible Metals states the following:

NFPA 660 Portable Vacuum Cleaners - Explosive Metal Dusts:

“The use of portable vacuum cleaners shall comply with (B)*Due to the inherent hazards associated with portable electric vacuum cleaning systems, the equipment used for cleaning shall be identified for use in Class II, Group E atmosphere.” 

We recommend Tiger-Vac® EXP1-5 (4W) RE HEPA and EXP1-20L (DT) RE HEPA (MFS) for residual cleanup of metal powders in ORDLOC and HAZLOC within NFPA stated volumes.

Air Operated Vacuums and NFPA 660

Depureco AC 100 Z22 Air-Powered

NFPA 660 Chapter 8, 660-35 Portable air-operated vacuum cleaners that meet the following minimum requirements shall be permitted to be used to collect combustible particulate solids in electrically hazardous (classified) area, provided the following are met:

(1) Materials of construction comply with

(2) Hoses are conductive or static dissipative

(3) All conductive or static dissipative components, including wands and attachments, are bonded and grounded.

(4) Where liquids or wet materials are picked up by the vacuum cleaner, paper filter elements are not used.

(5)* The design of the vacuum cleaner is suitable for use in a hazardous (classified) location.* In combustible dust hazardous (classified) locations, vacuum cleaners shall be listed for combustible dust (hazardous) locations.

What is an Intrinsically Safe Vacuum Cleaner?

An Intrinsically Safe Vacuum is one that operates with no moving parts and no electrical parts. The power is supplied by compressed air that is fed into a tapered restriction, also called a  “venturi”. Intrinsically safe vacuums are made from non-sparking metals like stainless steel and aluminum. Mild steel is not suitable as it can create a spark when a nut or a screw is vacuumed. It will create a spark when it hits the wall of the vacuum dirt-bin.

Click HERE for more information on our Intrinsically Safe Air Powered Vacuums

Dust Collectors ORDLOC


Designed for hands-free operation making it ideal for production and robotic cell use. Highly portable and ergonomic XP dust collector for collection of ST1 XP Dust for batching and pouring. Built in Italy, cleverly designed, small footprint, and very easy to maintain.  Parts and filters are always on hand.  Portable units and arms are usually in stock for immediate shipment. 

3rd Party Certified Explosion-Proof Dust Collector for HAZLOC | Stainless Steel

Tiger-Vac® CD-600EX and CD-1200EX

3rd party certified for use in NFPA classified zones | HAZLOC

The 600 and 1200 CFM portable dust collectors are fully certified explosion proof for use in hazardous locations as designated by NFPA recommended guidelines and implemented by NRTL.

NFPA 660 and Vacuum Hose & Accessories

Vacuum Hoses

Grounded NFPA 660 Hose

Per NFPA 660: “All conductive or static dissipative components, including wands and attachments, are bonded and grounded”.

Our range of industrial vacuum hoses includes static-resistant hoses that are Ideal for use with Explosion-Proof Vacuums in NFPA Class I, Div 1, Group D and Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, and G environments.

Click HERE for more information. 

Vacuum Accessories for use in NFPA Class I and II - Div. 1 and 2.


Per NFPA 660: “All conductive or static dissipative components, including wands and attachments, are bonded and grounded”.

Our vacuum tools are impregnated with conductive resins to automatically dissipate static before it happens. .

Ideal for use with Explosion-Proof Vacuums in NFPA Class I, Div 1, Group D and Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, and G environments.

Grounding Reels for HAZLOC Dust Collection

Grounding Reels for HAZLOC Dust Collection

In applications where airborne flammable vapors and highly explosive dusts exist, the addition of a retractable grounding reel provides an additional layer of protection. 

Per NFPA 660: “All conductive or static dissipative components, including wands and attachments, are bonded and grounded”.

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